Enlightened Earth Hypnosis
Sarah Johnson, Certified Consulting Hypnotist
MS Counseling, BS Psychology
Specializing in Interactive Hypnotic Sessions
for Emotional Empowerment and Growth.
Have a particular life obstacle or challenge you’re trying to overcome? Are there things in your life that emotionally trigger you without explanation? Have you tried traditional doctors and mental health modalities without receiving the results you're seeking? As a committed, professional Hypnotist in Rochester, NY, your well-being and emotional wellness are my priorities. I’m happy to guide you through life’s challenges with the attention and care you deserve.
"Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment. Â Our work is to transform that into a trance of empowerment." - Dr. Milton H. Erickson

What is Hypnosis and How Does It Work?
First and foremost, hypnosis is widely misunderstood! Hypnosis is a relaxed state, similar to meditation. You are awake and aware the entire time, and fully in control. Hypnosis used for emotional wellness is nothing like the media sensationalizes it to be. Hypnosis is NOT mind control or brainwashing. I cannot and will not control you, nor do I have a desire to do so. You cannot get "stuck" in hypnosis, and you will not do anything you aren't comfortable with doing normally.
Hypnosis is the process of speaking directly to the subconscious mind and/or higher self. Your subconscious mind is like the super computer of your body where all information is stored. It will go to great lengths to protect your conscious self. If there is a block to change in your life that you can't seem to get over or through, it is most likely your subconscious mind at work. Using various hypnosis techniques, I help clients move beyond their fears, phobias, limiting beliefs and challenges. Your higher self is that timeless part of you, that transcends your physical self and holds all knowledge. Not everyone is ready to access the higher self, but I am here for those that are ready. Personal enlightenment and empowerment is my goal for every client, in whatever form that takes.
There are many schools of thought and techniques within the world of Hypnosis, much like in the worlds of counseling and psychology. I specialize in interactive hypnotic work, including Current and Past Life Regressions and Enhanced Energy Communication work (i.e. Emotional Energy Healing and Clearing). While I still perform scripted sessions if desired, I find interactive work to yield more profound insight, energy clearing and empowerment for my clients. More detailed information regarding the different session options will be available in the blog section of this website, and on my Facebook and Instagram pages.​
All hypnosis sessions are individualized to each client's needs. No two sessions are ever alike from what I've experienced. I no longer offer online sessions - the energy of the technology wasn't working well with my personal intuitive abilities. I want to do the best job I can for every single client, and online wasn't the way for me unfortunately. I do offer a few general scripted sessions at a reduced rate on this website under the "Audios for Purchase" section at the top. These are a cost effective alternative for anyone that would like to try hypnosis on their own and to see if my voice and style work well for you or to supplement in-person sessions. I do not offer Regression work in general audio format. I highly advise exploring Regression work with trained and certified professionals to navigate the maze of the subconscious/higher self successfully, especially for those new to Hypnosis.
Hypnosis is like any other mental health field - you have to find the right practitioner fit for you. I require a New Client Consultation prior to beginning Hypnosis work for this reason. I'm human, so I fully acknowledge that I won't always be the best fit for every person and vice versa. Hypnosis is an journey - pick carefully who you trust to take that adventure with you.
Interactive Hypnosis
There are hundreds of uses for Interactive Hypnosis. Each individualized session at Enlightened Earth Hypnosis is customized to fit client need.
I work with adults, adolescents and children over the age of twelve. A few children younger then twelve my be accepted depending on the maturity level and their interest level. Almost anyone with an open mind, a strong desire for change, and the ability to use their imagination can be hypnotized. Exceptions for Hypnosis work include those experiencing advanced hearing loss or active delusional states. Due to the nature of my office building, it pains me to say I unfortunately cannot accommodate anyone unable to walk up or down stairs at this time.
*Please note that we concentrate on the emotional wellness aspects of all examples listed below for Interactive Hypnosis. Please consult with a doctor for any mental or medical concerns. Also, while Interactive Hypnosis is often used to connect to other realms of existence and understanding in metaphysical and spiritual work, please consult a Psychiatrist if you have any concerns of experiencing delusional states prior to engaging in any Hypnosis experience.

Children & Adolescents
*Emotional Triggers
*Body Image
*Night Terrors
*School Confidence and Success
*and Many More!

*Unexplained Fears/Phobias
*PTSD/Emotional Wounds/Grief and Loss
*Body Image
*Physical Pain
*Life Purpose
*Metaphysical matters
*Confidence and Success
*and Many More!

Current and Past Life Regression Work
*Figure out the origins of fears, phobias, self-limiting beliefs, etc.
*Visit other realms of existence
*Discover the origin of birth marks, port wine stains, birth defects, and challenges you were born with
*Possibly connect with and find answers from loved ones who have passed, including miscarriages
*Find the reasons why you my feel connected to or repelled by particular places or people
*Current relationship questions
*Deep level cell memory energy clearing
* So much more!

Enhanced Energy Communication (EEC)
*Emotional energy work
*Identifying specific emotions and working together to heal and clear them
*Great for anyone and everyone (we all trap emotions at some point in our bodies)
*Helps with unexplained physical pain, including fibromyalgia and other "hidden" diseases, disorders, and challenges
*Used in conjunction with cancer and/or terminal illness treatment
*End of life energy clearing
What's the Process to Start?
First: We set up a New Client Consultation. Consultations are typically 1-2 hours depending on the client, and are typically conducted Monday - Friday in the afternoons before 4:30pm, so please plan accordingly. During the Consultation, the goal is to get well-rounded picture of your lifetime thus far and to discuss the goals you have for Hypnosis. We do a fun experiment to see how open your subconscious is, and answer any questions you may have.
Next: Session Decisions and Payment. During your Consultation, if you feel good about everything we discuss, we will get started by filling out the paperwork and deciding on sessions and payment. You are more than welcome to wait and think it over as well. All payments are made in advance of Hypnosis work, and preferably not the day of. I like to keep the energy of monetary transaction and emotional energy work separate. I highly suggest not starting Interactive Hypnosis work until you are ready emotionally and financially. Unfortunately the United States do not allow Hypntists to take insurance at this time, so my current prices reflect the price point that is low enough to encourage multiple hours and multiple sessions while still allowing me to stay in business. All of my current prices are listed on this website for your review. I welcome you to decide if paying session-by-session or investing in a session package is the right choice for your budget. Everyone's different. Prices do change on occasion to meet with the costs of doing business. FLEX Spending and HSA Cards can sometimes be used for Emotional Wellness Hypnosis work. I have a no refunds policy for all Hypnosis services, so please consider carefully if this is the path for you before investing.
Sessions: Once you decide on sessions and submit payment, it's time to get you on the schedule and start the adventure into your healing and empowerment! Most hypnosis sessions are conducted in the evening and weekend hours. You are welcome to wear comfortable clothing and bring a blanket if you'd like. I highly suggest bringing a water bottle to hydrate afterwards. I'll make a copy of your session recordings (if the technology cooperates) if you bring a Flash Drive with you. I am taking handwritten notes the whole time as well, but sometimes people need to hear the words coming from their own mouths to trust in what they experienced. It usually takes a few sessions for people to trust in the information that comes from the subconscious mind and higher self - it's not a process we're taught often and takes some getting used to. The only things I require from you for your sessions are an open mind, willingness to confront areas that need healing, and honesty. If you're not experiencing something as I'm saying it, tell me! The more honest you are, the more I can pivot and navigate that subconscious maze with you to get the most out of your sessions.
Between Sessions: I am available by text between sessions if anything comes up. Phone calls are much harder these days when I'm not in the office. I may not be able to get back to you immediately, but I will answer much quicker by text than any other form of communication. The more you communicate, the more we can figure out your individual needs. I also highly encourage journaling if information comes to you between sessions organically or in vivid dreams. Sometimes with Interactive sessions, spontaneous current and past life recollections will come to you between sessions the more you open up to this experience.
When Your Session or Session Package Ends: I leave it completely open to clients with how many sessions they'd like to invest in at a time. Your healing depends entirely on how deeply rooted the presenting issue is, and how your slow or speedy your subconscious is in allowing healing work to be done. If there's resistance, it will certainly take longer to break through it. If the presenting challenge/issue is deeply rooted with many connections in the past, we may be able to get through all of the connections or only some. You are always welcome to return at any point, even years later if needed when you're ready. I am thrilled to be a part of your journey!
Who I Can and Cannot Work With: I can work with almost anyone that is open to this experience. Exceptions would be anyone actively engaging in drug or alcohol abuse, or individuals actively experiencing Schizophrenia or delusions. Hypnosis involves a lot of imagery and requires a clear mind. Unfortunately, hearing loss and physical issues that would prevent you from walking up and down stairs in my office building will also impact our work together at this time.
​A Note About Past Lives: I believe in transparency and honesty in this experience. The higher self often leads us to unexpected places and that can include past lives and life on other planes of existence. I don't do Past Life Regressions for entertainment value, but rather for healing, growth and empowerment. Sometimes life makes us feel small. Finding your timelessness and all you've been before is an experience I fully recommend to anyone questioning anything in their lives. As with all Regression work, I encourage multiple sessions to get the most information and benefit as well.
DISCLAIMER and SCOPE OF PRACTICE: As a Consulting Hypnotist I provide meditative and motivational coaching for a wide range of issues, including making medical or psychological care obtained elsewhere more effective. However, my work is not intended as a substitute for such care. I do not diagnose, treat nor prescribe. My services are supportive and educational, teaching persons to use their natural skills and abilities.
Services rendered by a hypnotist are held out to the public as non-therapeutic motivational and meditative coaching, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self hypnosis. Services rendered are not any form of healthcare or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, we make no health benefit claims for our services. Our work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness and flourishing.
Contact Enlightened Earth Hypnosis Today
Take your first step toward personal growth and success. Contact me today to schedule your Consultation to see if Hypnosis is right for you.
2024 West Henrietta Rd.
Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 259-3126